iHold Gel - Transfer Foil


Loving those many design of Transfer Foil? Been waiting for a product to do it perfect every single applications? Here you go, knock yourself out ;)

How to Use:

w/ Gel Polish:

After curing 2nd coat of gel polish. Apply layer of iHOLD transfer Foil Gel and cure full 60 seconds under proper LED lamp.

Place the image you would like from transfer foil, gently rub throughly onto the foil.

Remove the foil after image is transferred.

Apply non wipe gel top coat and cure for 60 seconds.

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Loving those many design of Transfer Foil? Been waiting for a product to do it perfect every single applications? Here you go, knock yourself out ;)

How to Use:

w/ Gel Polish:

After curing 2nd coat of gel polish. Apply layer of iHOLD transfer Foil Gel and cure full 60 seconds under proper LED lamp.

Place the image you would like from transfer foil, gently rub throughly onto the foil.

Remove the foil after image is transferred.

Apply non wipe gel top coat and cure for 60 seconds.

Loving those many design of Transfer Foil? Been waiting for a product to do it perfect every single applications? Here you go, knock yourself out ;)

How to Use:

w/ Gel Polish:

After curing 2nd coat of gel polish. Apply layer of iHOLD transfer Foil Gel and cure full 60 seconds under proper LED lamp.

Place the image you would like from transfer foil, gently rub throughly onto the foil.

Remove the foil after image is transferred.

Apply non wipe gel top coat and cure for 60 seconds.

#71 Soda Smoothie - Transfer Foil
#72 Shiny Nature -Transfer Foil
#55 Colorful Decor - Transfer Foil
#44 Animal Print - Transfer Foil
#106 Famous Animation - Transfer Foil